Great recap of Infinity Gauntlet/Saga Comics, one of my Fave Marvel Memories! Ron Lim! George Perez! Listen to our Jim Starlin Episode!

We may disagree about some First Phase MCU movies and which ones are good or bad, but leading up to these Avengers sequels was quite a ride and I was really digging it until post the "Saga" movies.

One part of the comic I wish was used but I am fine with the way the movie handled it was 'Death' not being a part of it. "Death" or Lady Death love story is a great one. NOT that there's anything wrong with the Nebula / Gamora story or the MCU vision overall. Death is one of my favorite DC and Marvel (and South Park) characters... The concept personified. Such a classic role no matter how depicted. Also would have liked to see Silver Surfer crash through to Benedict Cumberbatch's cool window but they didn't have the rights to that!

'That Being Said' MCU up to this point gives me the feels. And these movies aren't my favorites of the bunch by a long shot but at least they are consistent. Avengers 1 is still so fun, and I am sure I will do a re-watch soon of the sequels.

Mostly post-pandemic MCU films are Not-A-So-Good on the extremes, but some great highlights like Black Panther and GOTG V3. Hard to even track without looking at a list. The TV shows I have largely abandoned after 2 or 3 episodes (Moon Knight, Ms Marvel, Secret Invasion) because I just 'don't care' what happens.

The completionist in me will watch them all... but I was having more fun with Early MCU, Netflix Universe and Agents of Shield when it was fresh.

Complaining mostly about what I think are flaws but I agree I shouldn't shuffle these last two Avengers movies into the pig pen with Black Widow or Eternals. I'm better than that! Marvel is better than that!

Make Mine More Marvel,

You know where to find me.

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Thanks to you for the read and for commenting (as always). You raise an interesting point about early MCU being more fun. Even though they had the limitless financial backing of Disney, there seemed to be a feeling among fans like, "How are they going to do that?" when it came to certain characters and storylines. Once that dissipated, it left a gaping "fun hole" in the subsequent movies. But I'll be exploring that more in Part II, so stay tuned, true believers!

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